![ezcontrole ban Casa Agricole E?quipement Mate?riel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Nettoyeur Crible E?le?vateur Godet Tours Passerelle Soutien ezcontrole ban Casa Agricole E?quipement Mate?riel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Nettoyeur Crible E?le?vateur Godet Tours Passerelle Soutien](https://predev.comptoiragricole.com/wp-content/uploads/ezcontrole-ban-Casa-Agricole-E?quipement-Mate?riel-Entreposage-Silo-Grain-Conditionnement-Convoyeur-Nettoyeur-Crible-E?le?vateur-Godet-Tours-Passerelle-Soutien.jpg)
![EZ Controle WLogo CASA Agricole E?quipement Mate?riel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Se?choir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif E?le?vateur Tours Passerelle EZ Controle WLogo CASA Agricole E?quipement Mate?riel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Se?choir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif E?le?vateur Tours Passerelle](https://predev.comptoiragricole.com/wp-content/uploads/EZ-Controle-WLogo-CASA-Agricole-Équipement-Matériel-Entreposage-Silo-Grain-Conditionnement-Convoyeur-Séchoir-Nettoyeur-Crible-Rotatif-Élévateur-Tours-Passerelle.png)
ez controle
Custom and remote control panels !
Get peace of mind with apps on your phone. They will allow you to monitoring your investment , checking critical components of your system, steer clear of long downtime, uncevessary equipment failure and prevent the risk of contamination.
EZ CONTROLE is in constant development and continuous improvement in order to offer you the best control solution.
EZ CONTROLE panels are custom designed to facilitate day-to-day operations. A combination of automation and a simple and efficient interface.
![plan grain casa Agricole equipement Materiel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Sechoir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif elevateur Godet Tours Passerelle Soutien plan grain casa Agricole equipement Materiel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Sechoir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif elevateur Godet Tours Passerelle Soutien](https://predev.comptoiragricole.com/wp-content/uploads/plan-grain-casa-Agricole-equipement-Materiel-Entreposage-Silo-Grain-Conditionnement-Convoyeur-Sechoir-Nettoyeur-Crible-Rotatif-elevateur-Godet-Tours-Passerelle-Soutien.png)
- Customizable 15-inch touchscreen (HMI);
- Real-time remote access;
- Alarm message by email or SMS;
- Display grain type on each bin;
- Expansion ready;
- 600 VAC power supply. 208V, 240V and 480V available as an option;
- Optional Variable Frequency Drive to control motor speed (VFD);
- Softstarter to reduce motor starting current peak, standard for motor over 50HP, optional for 30-40-50HP motors;
- Identification stickers for connecting external components;
- Technical support.
- 12 inch touchscreen (HMI);
- Dryer Master Ready;
- 600VAC power supply;
- Identification stickers for connecting external components;
- Technical support.
![sechoir strahl casa Agricole equipement Materiel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Sechoir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif elevateur Godet Tours Passerelle Soutien sechoir strahl casa Agricole equipement Materiel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Sechoir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif elevateur Godet Tours Passerelle Soutien](https://predev.comptoiragricole.com/wp-content/uploads/sechoir-strahl-casa-Agricole-equipement-Materiel-Entreposage-Silo-Grain-Conditionnement-Convoyeur-Sechoir-Nettoyeur-Crible-Rotatif-elevateur-Godet-Tours-Passerelle-Soutien.png)
![sechoir grainhandler casa Agricole equipement Materiel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Sechoir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif elevateur Godet Tours Passerelle Soutien sechoir grainhandler casa Agricole equipement Materiel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Sechoir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif elevateur Godet Tours Passerelle Soutien](https://predev.comptoiragricole.com/wp-content/uploads/sechoir-grainhandler-casa-Agricole-equipement-Materiel-Entreposage-Silo-Grain-Conditionnement-Convoyeur-Sechoir-Nettoyeur-Crible-Rotatif-elevateur-Godet-Tours-Passerelle-Soutien.png)
- 15 inch touchscreen (HMI);
- Built-in Dryer Master;
- Real-time remote access;
- Alarm message by email or SMS;
- 240VAC or 600VAC power supply;
- Variable Frequency Drive to control the speed of unloading;
- Identification stickers for connecting external components;
- Technical support.
- Simple & cost effective;
- Standard control;
- Distribution of 240v or 600v made to measure according to your motorization (motor HP);
- Designed for TOPDRY dryer bit it can be customized for another dryer model;
- Optional rotobin and button station (receipt and/or dispatch);
- Technical support.
![ezfill system casa Agricole equipement Materiel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Sechoir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif elevateur Godet Tours Passerelle Soutien ezfill system casa Agricole equipement Materiel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Sechoir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif elevateur Godet Tours Passerelle Soutien](https://predev.comptoiragricole.com/wp-content/uploads/ezfill-system-casa-Agricole-equipement-Materiel-Entreposage-Silo-Grain-Conditionnement-Convoyeur-Sechoir-Nettoyeur-Crible-Rotatif-elevateur-Godet-Tours-Passerelle-Soutien.png)